“And yet in the bleakest of days there was HOPE.”

It was December 1988 and for more than 20 months I had the same daily prayer. I had been praying that God would move mountains and reunite my wife and daughter with me and my son. What was supposed to be a couple of months dragged into almost two years. I wondered when I’d see Ana and Anca again, and how long I could bear this burden. Yet, even in the bleakest of days there was hope. I was surrounded by so many who prayed powerful prayers full of joyful anticipation; faith unshakable. Day after day and month after month, we pressed on; crying out to God for a miracle. I remember December 1988 like it was yesterday. Those days felt so empty and gray. Dare I still cling to hope? I knew I was asking for the impossible—to hold my wife and both children in my arms by Christmas. Yet, this was my deepest hope and with every ounce of my being, I held this hope up to God. And then it happened. Ana and Anca would be allowed to leave Romania and be with us in time for Christmas! A miracle of miracles. I’ll never forget my joy and I’ll never forget how broken my heart was for those 20 months of waiting. Our family has always remembered that time, but God wasn’t done. He decided to continue His miracles in our lives.
Two sisters have waited not 20 months for their family, but 15 years. Today, there were tears of joy at the American Embassy in Bucharest as Dora and Dia were awarded their visas, completing their adoption by their parents, Dumitru and Anca (Lucaciu) Toderic. Tremendous thanks to all who helped make this adoption process happen from the American Embassy, to Romanian officials, churches, schools and friends. We are very grateful! There were many tears of joy as people from the American Embassy came together to celebrate the event. Even the photographer of the American Embassy took pictures to publish for an article about their ground breaking adoption for children 14 years of age and older by Romanian Americans. From the Romanian Government; Mrs. Coman, the chairwoman in Romanian government for family and adoptions, came with others to congratulate Dora, Dia and Anca. What a beautiful event! Everyone was asking to keep in touch with the family.

Tomorrow, the girls along with their mom(Anca), will be flying to the United States. Their father and brothers will be waiting at the airport to greet them and be the first to say “welcome home!”. How incredible is this journey?! 29 years ago Anca’s mother brought her over the ocean to be home. And now she brings her girls over the ocean to be home…to their FOREVER home. How great is our God! His compassion and mercy are never ceasing and He hears our cries. I praise Him for this faithfulness and His blessing on our family. Dora and Dia, my grandchildren, are coming home!

From the entire Lucaciu (and Toderic) clan, we wish you a Christmas full of love and wonder for all God has done in our lives. One of His greatest gifts to us is family. May you surround yourself with those young and old, loud and quiet, appreciating each one for who they are; enjoying all the memories you’ve made and will continue to make.
Dumitru and Anca have a fundraising page to help with the last travel expenses as they bring their girls home. Find the link on Anca's FaceBook page or click the link below to read about their journey and consider supporting them on this final leg of a two year-long process.